TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Re: We are all resting up and drinking benefiber
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Subject Re: We are all resting up and drinking benefiber
Posted by JaredLopeZ on March 06, 2025 at 2:35 PM
  This message has been viewed 31 times.
In Reply To We are all resting up and drinking benefiber posted by Drk93TT on March 06, 2025 at 01:13 PM
Message I started dating my wife, who had a big following on Instagram for her slammed Miata she was driving. I had always loved cars and remember seeing a 300ZX as a child when they were new and thought it was something special. So, I wanted to have a cool car like my wife did, so I immediately started looking for a 300ZX. My wife had to test drive them because I didn’t drive stick. Bought a 93’ black N.A. 5speed for $3500 and drove it until we had my son, sold it and immediately regretted it. Bought a horrific white 91Tt auto and learned to wrench on them, and sold it for a little more than I had in it. 2ish years I bought what I consider and incredibly clean 91TT 5 speed in platinum mist metallic and have gone crazy with it.

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